Sunday, June 14, 2009

Long time no post!

Mmmm SushiWatching the sunset...toes loving the view
Best Friends Forever!!!
Big Thighs here we come!!!
My future ring...I said when I tried it on in the store that I hope that I have as much love for my husband as I have for this ring... hmmm, I think I might be in love with a diamond :)

Hey there! It has been forever since I have Blogged. We ended up not having internet for about two weeks then when we got it back I just didn't make time for it.  I have been doing so much the past month. I was able to go eat the BEST sushi I have ever had, go to St John, have a all night tour of this beautiful island and finish it off by watching the sunrise, had my first taste of alcohol by accident because I didn't know that Creme de Menthe was alcoholic I just figured it was a fancy way of saying that they were going to make my milkshake minty, went to Hooters and ate 2 plates of all you can eat wings then found out that every 5 wings has 789 calories in them, made Cafe Rio pork and salad dressing for everyone, went skinny dipping for the first time (don't worry, there were only girls there), tried my first Twix McFlurry after going to 3 different McDonald's to before finding one that was not out of ice cream, watched the sunset with my 4 best friends on the beach, went snorkeling for the first time and LOVED it, babysat drunk men and stopped them from jumping off our balcony while trying to escape our house, went on a date to in igloo(actually just to the movie theater but they run the AC sooo much that you literally freeze after only 15 minutes into the movie) and have just enjoyed EVERYDAY everyday! The mosquitos still love to bite me. the weather is still incredible! i have see some of the most beautiful sights. I have the BEST roommates! We laugh constantly! The other night two of my roommates wanted to see if they were princesses so they stacked up 5 mattresses and put a pea on the bottom. they didn't sleep hardly at all. I hope to have a funny random story tomorrow... i am sure that something fun will happen! 