Sunday, April 04, 2010

Our first Valentines

Sam and I got married pretty fast after we started dating as most of you know. So this year was our first Valentine's Day together. I was so excited to have a romantic night and I loved having an excuse to dress up nice. We went to a local tepanyaki restaurant to eat. Japanese is kind of my new favorite kind of food. I love the way that they cook the food in front of you. And ever since St Thomas I have loved eating sushi. We got there and it didn't seem to be super busy so we thought we would be able to eat soon. They started us with our salad and our soup. We ordered a sushi roll and it was delicious. We waited about 15 minutes and they brought out some edemomies to apologize for the wait. About 15 minutes after that we finally had a cook. We were excited to see him cook the food but at that point our appetizers had hit our tummies. We weren't hungry anymore. We loved watching all of his tricks. We knew that as soon as he was done cooking it and it was on our plates, we would not be able to eat it. It was funny how full we were after the little we eat. The picture we posted shows how little we actually ate. When we got to the car, Sam asked if I could drive because he was so full he thought he was going to pass out. I loved it. It was a very fun night out. I can't wait for all the many Valentine's Days to come together.
I will post about my other favorite night out when I am able to post pictures of it.
What was your favorite Valentine's Date?

1 comment:

Steph said...

thats funny that sam couldn't drive ha ha ha
