Wednesday, February 13, 2013


After 3 years of hoping and 1 year of trying we finally got pregnant. The weekend before we found out I was talking with my mom and sister saying how I didn't think I would ever get pregnant. At our first ultrasound they said that I should be 9 weeks along but I was only measuring at 5 and a half. So Monday when we went in it was either going to be the day that we announce we're pregnant or the day we found out that our baby has passed away. I am sad to say that it was the latter. So today after I'm done with work I get to go home, and take some pills to help the baby pass. I understand that the baby is not growing anymore but a part of me feels like this afternoon I have to administer my own abortion. It sucks. I don't think it is quite hit me yet the pain I'll go through this afternoon, and I don't know if I am ready emotionally and physically for what will happen. But I don't know if there's ever really a way to prepare a woman for what she has to go through when she has a miscarriage. I know everything will be okay. I know it's better that this happened when I was only 8 weeks along. I know that 20 to 40 percent of pregnancies end in miscarriage so I am not alone. And thankfully we know now that we can get pregnant. I know that the Lord has a plan for us. I just hope I can make it til after my appointments to start crying.


Steph said...

i am so sad that you are going through this. there are really no words. it is such an emotional rollercoaster. i love you so much. i hope the next 24 hours go quickly for you. hugs sis

Morgan said...


I am so, so sorry to hear about your loss. I've never experienced a miscarriage, but I know the pain and frustrations of fertility issues. How heartbreaking to think that all of that was finally over and then to find out it's anything but over! I admire your faith and if I know anything about you, it's that you're a positive and upbeat person. You're so right that Heavenly Father has a plan for your family. You will pull through this with grace and strength!

I can't tell you exactly what to expect in the next 48 hours, but my guess is that the physical discomfort is really going to bring all your emotions to the surface. Can your hubby take a day off from work? You just need to be pampered and loved. Hot baths, and massages, and ice cream, and lots of reassuring words.

I'm sure you have plenty of people to talk to about any and all of this, but please feel free to call me anytime if you need to let off some frustration, or to cry to someone, or just to share fertility strategies - today, tomorrow, or six months from now! I'll send you my digits via FB. I'll be thinking of you. :)

Shauna said...

Oh Lizzie... I'm so sorry to hear. you have such a great outlook on the whole thing. the lord really does have perfect timing although it's not perfect to us and we may not know the reasons why.
Love you guys.

Arycca Brothers said...

Hey friend, I was so sorry to read this update. Miscarriages are so heartbreaking. We went through the same thing the day before Thanksgiving last year, and just reading your story has me in tears for you. The physical pain is hard, but passes in a day or two. The emotional pain is worse, but you have an amazing attitude (as always!) and firm faith in the Lord, and those two things will help more than anything else, besides the passing of time.
I love you my friend! I hope you know that you can always call me if you ever need to talk. You'll be in my prayers!
