Monday, May 18, 2009

Day 2

So I totally forgot to tell you a funny story from yesterday. We got home from church and we had padlocked our front door. None of us had our keys because our regional manager was going to use them while we were at church so he could come in and use our washer and dryer. he accidently left them at home so we were locked out. Brian(our regional manager) showed us that there was a way to get up onto the balcony by climbing up onto it. it was pretty tricky but it was even more tricky since we were all in skirts. it was so funny to watch each of us girls try to climb up into the balcony. Guess you had to be there...
We were picked up by Brian today at 6:15 am and were taken down to the stores to have a tour. From the time i left the house til we actually started work I ended up with 10 mosquito bites on my legs alone. the bugs love me down here i guess... hopefully none of them have west nile :) We had our first staff meeting and got to meet everyone that works down here. there are 4 interns and 12 local employees. two local employees run the outlet store, 4 of us at the Del Sol Waterfront store, 4 at that Cariloha store and the rest are at the grand Del Sol store. it is so chill in the store. the people are SO nice. we had a blast in the store. i love talking to people and showing them our products. i love that our product sells itself so i can just be myself in the store and with the people that come in. We had a goal to sell $2000 in our store alone and we did it. it was fun reaching our goal and it will be fun to see if we can reach that goal tomorrow. We had so much fun that we were playing ball and frisbee in the store as well as joking around with the kids and adults. i loved it! I can't believe i will be paid to do this all summer. 
after work we went grocery shopping...HOLY COW is it expensive to buy food down here! i couldn't believe how little $83 could buy. 8 cans of tuna, a box of nila wafers, honey bunches of oats, ritz, trail mix, two bottles of salad dressing, jam, a bag of frozen peas and carrots and a bag of chicken tenders. thats it! CRAZY! i guess i won't be eating too much while i am here. at least it will help me look good in a swim suit. at the store we TOTALLY stuck out. we were the only white people in the store. it was sweet! and when i was being rung up i started to have a conversation with two of the baggers. they were deaf. they were so excited to have someone new to talk to. they went out of their way to help us with a ton of stuff. it was really neat at this store because the baggers always help you out to your car. it made me feel like i was in the good old days that i wasn't alive for. 
we were able to enjoy the bachelor and dancing with the stars while we had our dinner. It was Alyse's turn to cook tonight and she made taco soup. it reminded me of sister hoggan and the soup she would make for us in the mission. so great! Well I can't wait to start another day tomorrow...time to sleep!


Gramma Rosie said...

Sounds like Brian, your regional manager, has not been very impressive so far.

Lizzie said...

He is a good guy. Very nice just a little forgetful sometimes :)

Unknown said...

Hi Lizzie. I found your blog randomly trhough my friend Morgan. Anyways I have been checking your blog randomly b/c I think you are a "hoot" oh gosh my mom says that saying but either way you're a good story teller. My husband is in the travel business and we go lots of places...i thought maybe you'd be interested in it?! my email is if you want to know a little more. Just thought I'd see since you seem to also share that same interest! :-)

Unknown said...

woops, that was my husbands blogger login above. this is mine. :-)
